Space & Astronomy
Space and Astronomy (October 1993).iso
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410 lines
/* Program to solve Keplerian orbit
* given orbital parameters and the time.
* Returns Heliocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates of
* the object.
* This program detects several cases of given orbital elements.
* If a program for perturbations is pointed to, it is called
* to calculate all the elements.
* If there is no program, then the mean longitude is calculated
* from the mean anomaly and daily motion.
* If the daily motion is not given, it is calculated
* by Kepler's law.
* If the eccentricity is given to be 1.0, it means that
* meandistance is really the perihelion distance, as in a comet
* specification, and the orbit is parabolic.
* Reference: Taff, L.G., "Celestial Mechanics, A Computational
* Guide for the Practitioner." Wiley, 1985.
#include "kep.h"
#if !BandS
extern struct orbit earth; /* orbital elements of the earth */
extern double eps, coseps, sineps; /* obliquity of ecliptic */
double sinh(), cosh(), tanh();
int embofs();
int kepler(J, e, rect, polar)
double J, rect[], polar[];
struct orbit *e;
double alat, E, M, W, temp;
double epoch, inclination, ascnode, argperih;
double meandistance, dailymotion, eccent, meananomaly;
double r, coso, sino, cosa;
int k;
/* Compute orbital elements if a program for doing so
* is supplied
if( e->oelmnt )
k = (*(e->oelmnt) )(e,J);
if( k == -1 )
goto dobs;
else if( e->celmnt )
{ /* call B & S algorithm */
(*(e->celmnt) )( J, polar );
polar[0] = modtp( polar[0] );
E = polar[0]; /* longitude */
e->L = E;
W = polar[1]; /* latitude */
r = polar[2]; /* radius */
e->r = r;
e->epoch = J;
e->equinox = J;
goto kepdon;
/* Decant the parameters from the data structure
epoch = e->epoch;
inclination = e->i;
ascnode = e->W * DTR;
argperih = e->w;
meandistance = e->a; /* semimajor axis */
dailymotion = e->dm;
eccent = e->ecc;
meananomaly = e->M;
/* Check for parabolic orbit. */
if( eccent == 1.0 )
/* meandistance = perihelion distance, q
* epoch = perihelion passage date
temp = meandistance * sqrt(meandistance);
W = (J - epoch ) * 0.0364911624 / temp;
/* The constant above is 3 k / sqrt(2),
* k = Gaussian gravitational constant = 0.01720209895 . */
E = 0.0;
M = 1.0;
while( fabs(M) > 1.0e-11 )
temp = E * E;
temp = (2.0 * E * temp + W)/( 3.0 * (1.0 + temp));
M = temp - E;
if( temp != 0.0 )
M /= temp;
E = temp;
r = meandistance * (1.0 + E * E );
M = atan( E );
M = 2.0 * M;
alat = M + DTR*argperih;
goto parabcon;
if( eccent > 1.0 )
/* The equation of the hyperbola in polar coordinates r, theta
* is r = a(e^2 - 1)/(1 + e cos(theta))
* so the perihelion distance q = a(e-1),
* the "mean distance" a = q/(e-1).
meandistance = meandistance/(eccent - 1.0);
temp = meandistance * sqrt(meandistance);
W = (J - epoch ) * 0.01720209895 / temp;
/* solve M = -E + e sinh E */
E = W/(eccent - 1.0);
M = 1.0;
while( fabs(M) > 1.0e-11 )
M = -E + eccent * sinh(E) - W;
E += M/(1.0 - eccent * cosh(E));
r = meandistance * (-1.0 + eccent * cosh(E));
temp = (eccent + 1.0)/(eccent - 1.0);
M = sqrt(temp) * tanh( 0.5*E );
M = 2.0 * atan(M);
alat = M + DTR*argperih;
goto parabcon;
/* Calculate the daily motion, if it is not given.
if( dailymotion == 0.0 )
/* The constant is 180 k / pi, k = Gaussian gravitational constant.
* Assumes object in heliocentric orbit is massless.
dailymotion = 0.9856076686/(e->a*sqrt(e->a));
dailymotion *= J - epoch;
/* M is proportional to the area swept out by the radius
* vector of a circular orbit during the time between
* perihelion passage and Julian date J.
* It is the mean anomaly at time J.
M = DTR*( meananomaly + dailymotion );
M = modtp(M);
/* If mean longitude was calculated, adjust it also
* for motion since epoch of elements.
if( e->L )
e->L += dailymotion;
e->L = mod360( e->L );
/* By Kepler's second law, M must be equal to
* the area swept out in the same time by an
* elliptical orbit of same total area.
* Integrate the ellipse expressed in polar coordinates
* r = a(1-e^2)/(1 + e cosW)
* with respect to the angle W to get an expression for the
* area swept out by the radius vector. The area is given
* by the mean anomaly; the angle is solved numerically.
* The answer is obtained in two steps. We first solve
* Kepler's equation
* M = E - eccent*sin(E)
* for the eccentric anomaly E. Then there is a
* closed form solution for W in terms of E.
E = M; /* Initial guess is same as circular orbit. */
temp = 1.0;
/* The approximate area swept out in the ellipse */
temp = E - eccent * sin(E)
/* ...minus the area swept out in the circle */
- M;
/* ...should be zero. Use the derivative of the error
* to converge to solution by Newton's method.
E -= temp/(1.0 - eccent*cos(E));
while( fabs(temp) > 1.0e-11 );
/* The exact formula for the area in the ellipse is
* 2.0*atan(c2*tan(0.5*W)) - c1*eccent*sin(W)/(1+e*cos(W))
* where
* c1 = sqrt( 1.0 - eccent*eccent )
* c2 = sqrt( (1.0-eccent)/(1.0+eccent) ).
* Substituting the following value of W
* yields the exact solution.
temp = sqrt( (1.0+eccent)/(1.0-eccent) );
W = 2.0 * atan( temp * tan(0.5*E) );
/* The true anomaly.
W = modtp(W);
meananomaly *= DTR;
/* Orbital longitude measured from node
* (argument of latitude)
if( e->L )
alat = (e->L)*DTR + W - meananomaly - ascnode;
alat = W + DTR*argperih; /* mean longitude not given */
/* From the equation of the ellipse, get the
* radius from central focus to the object.
r = meandistance*(1.0-eccent*eccent)/(1.0+eccent*cos(W));
/* The heliocentric ecliptic longitude of the object
* is given by
* tan( longitude - ascnode ) = cos( inclination ) * tan( alat ).
coso = cos( alat );
sino = sin( alat );
inclination *= DTR;
W = sino * cos( inclination );
E = zatan2( coso, W ) + ascnode;
/* The ecliptic latitude of the object
W = sino * sin( inclination );
W = asin(W);
/* Apply perturbations, if a program is supplied.
if( e->celmnt )
e->L = E;
e->r = r;
(*(e->celmnt) )(e);
E = e->L;
r = e->r;
W += e->plat;
/* If earth, Adjust from earth-moon barycenter to earth
* by AA page E2
* unless orbital elements are calculated by formula.
* (The Meeus perturbation formulas include this term for the moon.)
#if !BandS
if( (e == &earth) && (e->oelmnt == 0) )
embofs( J, &E, &W, &r ); /* see below */
/* Output the polar cooordinates
polar[0] = E; /* longitude */
polar[1] = W; /* latitude */
polar[2] = r; /* radius */
/* Convert to rectangular coordinates,
* using the perturbed latitude.
rect[2] = r * sin(W);
cosa = cos(W);
rect[1] = r * cosa * sin(E);
rect[0] = r * cosa * cos(E);
/* Convert from heliocentric ecliptic rectangular
* to heliocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates
* by rotating eps radians about the x axis.
epsiln( e->equinox );
W = coseps*rect[1] - sineps*rect[2];
M = sineps*rect[1] + coseps*rect[2];
rect[1] = W;
rect[2] = M;
/* Precess the position
* to ecliptic and equinox of J2000.0
* if not already there.
precess( rect, e->equinox, 1 );
#if !BandS
/* Adjust position from Earth-Moon barycenter to Earth
* J = Julian day number
* E = Earth's ecliptic longitude (radians)
* W = Earth's ecliptic latitude (radians)
* r = Earth's distance to the Sun (au)
int embofs( J, E, W, r )
double J;
double *E, *W, *r;
double T, M, a, L, B, p;
double smp, cmp, s2mp, c2mp, s2d, c2d, sf, cf;
double s2f, sx, cx, xyz[3];
/* Short series for position of the Moon
T = (J-J1900)/36525.0;
/* Mean anomaly of moon (MP) */
a = ((1.44e-5*T + 0.009192)*T + 477198.8491)*T + 296.104608;
a *= DTR;
smp = sin(a);
cmp = cos(a);
s2mp = 2.0*smp*cmp; /* sin(2MP) */
c2mp = cmp*cmp - smp*smp; /* cos(2MP) */
/* Mean elongation of moon (D) */
a = ((1.9e-6*T - 0.001436)*T + 445267.1142)*T + 350.737486;
a = 2.0 * DTR * a;
s2d = sin(a);
c2d = cos(a);
/* Mean distance of moon from its ascending node (F) */
a = (( -3.e-7*T - 0.003211)*T + 483202.0251)*T + 11.250889;
a *= DTR;
sf = sin(a);
cf = cos(a);
s2f = 2.0*sf*cf; /* sin(2F) */
sx = s2d*cmp - c2d*smp; /* sin(2D - MP) */
cx = c2d*cmp + s2d*smp; /* cos(2D - MP) */
/* Mean longitude of moon (LP) */
L = ((1.9e-6*T - 0.001133)*T + 481267.8831)*T + 270.434164;
/* Mean anomaly of sun (M) */
M = (( -3.3e-6*T - 1.50e-4)*T + 35999.0498)*T + 358.475833;
/* Ecliptic longitude of the moon */
L = L
+ 6.288750*smp
+ 1.274018*sx
+ 0.658309*s2d
+ 0.213616*s2mp
- 0.185596*sin( DTR * M )
- 0.114336*s2f;
/* Ecliptic latitude of the moon */
a = smp*cf;
sx = cmp*sf;
B = 5.128189*sf
+ 0.280606*(a+sx) /* sin(MP+F) */
+ 0.277693*(a-sx) /* sin(MP-F) */
+ 0.173238*(s2d*cf - c2d*sf); /* sin(2D-F) */
B *= DTR;
/* Parallax of the moon */
p = 0.950724
p *= DTR;
/* Elongation of Moon from Sun
L = DTR * mod360(L) - (*E - PI);
/* The Moon's position has to be precessed to J2000 */
/* Distance in au */
a = 4.263523e-5/sin(p);
/* Convert to rectangular ecliptic coordinates */
xyz[2] = a * sin(B);
cx = cos(B);
xyz[1] = a * cx * sin(L);
xyz[0] = a * cx * cos(L);
/* Convert to equatorial */
epsiln( J );
sf = coseps*xyz[1] - sineps*xyz[2];
cf = sineps*xyz[1] + coseps*xyz[2];
xyz[1] = sf;
xyz[2] = cf;
/* Precess the position
* to ecliptic and equinox of J2000.0
precess( xyz, J, 1 );
/* Rotate back to ecliptic coordinates */
sf = coseps*xyz[1] + sineps*xyz[2];
cf = -sineps*xyz[1] + coseps*xyz[2];
xyz[1] = sf;
xyz[2] = cf;
/* Convert to polar coordinates */
L = zatan2( xyz[0], xyz[1] );
B = asin( xyz[2]/a );
/* Distance from Earth to Earth-Moon barycenter
a = 5.18041e-7 / p;
/* Adjust the coordinates of the Earth
sx = a / *r; /* chord = R * dTheta */
*E += sx * sin(L);
*W -= sx * B;
*r += a * cos(L);